♟ Core Positioning

Use the positioning canvas below to capture your high-level product positioning. Start by filling in the positioning ingredients. Then, use them to write your positioning statement.

Positioning Ingredients

Product What is your product called?
Market Category What market category do you operate in?
Company Profile What specific type of company cares about your value prop?
Target Persona What specific type of people in these companies care about your value prop?
Job To be Done Situation (When customer is) … Motivation (they want to) … Desired Outcome (so that they can)…
Competing Alternatives What would a potential customer use instead of your solution?
Problem / Pain What is the problem your solution solves?
Key Differentiators What unique features and capabilities do you have?
Enabled Value What differentiated value do you deliver for customers?

Positioning Statement

Positioning Statement Using the ingredients above, write a concise description of where you solution fits into the market and how you differentiate.

🗯 Core Messaging

Use the messaging house below to capture your high-level product messaging. Don’t forget to also incorporate your positioning work above, especially in your one-liner, one-paragraph, and 100-word descriptions.

Main Message

One-Liner A one sentence description of what you are/do and the greatest benefit you deliver. …
One-Paragraph Pitch A one paragraph description of what you are, your top one or two value points, and some indication of your target market. …
100-Word Description Describe what you are, your top 2 to 3 value points, proof you can deliver that value, and an indication of your target market is. …

Feature → Capability → Benefit