🏢 Company Overview


<aside> 🔨 Use the **Competitive Banner Builder by Klue**


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of Employees:

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👀 How to Spot Them

If you hear these things from your prospect, you're likely up against this competitor.

💥 Quick Dismiss

1-2 sentences you can use to quickly deposition this competitor.

🛡 Objection Handling

Key objections related to this competitor. Typically come from landmines laid by competitor. How to respond and handle these objections.

🏆 Why We Win

Your key differentiators. Top reasons why you win deals against this competitor. Steer the conversation towards these.

💸 Why We Lose

Your key weaknesses. Top reasons why you lose deals against this competitor. Reinforce your value statements to pivot the conversation. Elevate the conversation to refocus back to core strengths.

📖 Win Stories

Internal stories about deals you won against this competitor. include AE quotes, call recordings, key learnings, etc.

💣 Questions to Ask

Also known as landmines. Seed these questions to your prospect so they ask your competitors. Should draw out competitor weaknesses and focus on your key differentiators.

💰 Pricing / Packaging

Provide an overview of this competitor’s pricing strategy, tiers or packages they offer, discounting practices, etc.